Registration and Licences Held:

Incorporation Certificate No. AG-4840 under Companies / Firm Act of 1932 No. 9

Certificate No. AGRA No. 14314 under U.P. Shop & Commercial Establishment Act

P.F. Registration under Code No. U.P. 28259

E.S.I.C. Registration Under Code No. 21-24309-101

Registration under Code No. 20/MR/STC/AGRA/2000 with Central Excise Dept. under Service Tax Act

Relevant Registration Numbers and Details:

✓ PAN – AFLPS 7698E
✓ GST – 09AFLPS7698E1ZK
✓ Shop & Commercial Establishment – Rajasthan: SCA/2023/25/132544
✓ Incorporation Certificate No. AG-4840 under Companies / Firm Act of 1932 No. 9
✓ Certificate No. AGRA No. 14314 under U.P. Shop & Commercial Establishment Act – Labour Department
✓ P.F. Registration under Code No. U.P. 28259
✓ E.S.I.C. Registration Under Code No. 21-24309-101
✓ ESIC Rajasthan – 15210243090011018
PSARA – PSA/L/61/UP/2023/JUL/3/1247 & 1297/HG HQ (S CELL)