• Unit composition to be finalized with mutual consultation.
  • Deployment of personnel will be made on the basis of eight hours shift on any day as per schedule of 6 days working in a week.
  • Security infrastructure consisting of proper fence, gates, locking devices, watch towers, security posts etc. be made available as per laid down/acceptable norms of security.
  • Our responsibilities towards the assignment are restricted to the scope of the work finalized in mutual consultation.
  • Any compensation becoming payable due to negligence/omissions/direct complicity of our staff should have prior written concurrence from us.
  • None of our employees should be employed directly or indirectly during the pendency of our contract or within three years on termination of this contract otherwise compensation equivalent to 3 months current pay shall be payable to us by client.
  • Initially contract will be valid for a period of one year which will be renewed automatically for subsequent years unless terminated by a notice in writing for 2 months in advance.
  • Our contract can be terminated by either parties by giving two months notice in writing or payment in lieu thereof.
  • An advance equivalent to two months bill shall be payable by the clients at the time of signing agreement which shall be adjusted at the end of contract (negotiable)
  • Our bill will be raised on each 1st of the month which must be paid by crossed cheque/draft drawn in favor of 3 Aces Security Services latest by 7th of such month otherwise, penal interest @ 24% p.a. will be levied.
  • Deployment of extra personnel for short period less than one month will be made at an additional cost equivalent to 20% of our regular rates.
  • Any additional cost incurred on our services while challenging the threats and providing security will be made good to us by clients.
  • Any payment made to our personnel in cash or kind will be treated as personal transaction and our company will not by held responsible for any unpaid Amount.
  • We wil withdraw our services without any notice if our bills remain unpaid for two months.
  • All consumable items used for maintaining security documents including heavy duty torches and batteries will be made available to us at clients cost.
  • The management at the principle employers will have to ensure that a competent authority is assigned the task of interaction with the security service and multiplicity of directions by various people to the service provider are avoided at any cost, which if not taken care of leads to lots of confusion and chaos affecting the smooth running of the security operations.
  • The principal employer will have to ensure that the security Guards deployed at the unit are not forced / involved in the personal work of the management cadre of the concerned unit.
  • It is imperative that under no circumstances the management at the principle employers end directly issue or authorize leaves, concessions, favors, change of profile, monetary or any other consideration whatsoever without the concurrence or knowledge of the concerned manager at 3 Aces.
  • All the terms and conditions stipulated herein above along with compensation package be confirmed in writing by client while placing order to take up the assignment.